Day 14-16 – July 18/20th
We had a slow morning with a huge breakfast at the hotel.
With triathlon in Hamburg, we decided to go and see the world largest model railway „Miniature Wunderland‟ – Watch their official video.
Make sure that you buy your ticket on the internet, this will save you 2-3 hours waiting 😉
Be prepared that there are a lot of people and from their speed, I would say that they spend the whole day watching all the details. It was fascinating, but also too crowded !
It was partly raining this Sunday, so after leaving Miniatur Wunderland, we took a Harbour roundtrip. I wanted to show Helle how big the harbour is and we also passed the berth where we ship steel scrap.

I worked in the building just behind Fischauktionshalle (Grosse Elbstrasse 14), which looks like a glass roof, with a view over River Elbe and when our vessels passed, we were waving at them 🙂
and afterwards we went back passing the Danish Seamen’s church, where most of the Danes working in Hamburg when we were jung, came every thursday evening to talk danish, to watch movies, drink coffee and eat cakes, read danish news papers and arrange, what were going to happen in the weekend.
Usually we afterwards went down to „Bruno‟ for a beer or two. Bruno is long gone, but it is still a bar
Then we went into St. Michaelis Kirche – click here, to see a 360 dg panorama from the inside of this church
A day down memory lane. When I worked in Hamburg, we did not have much money, but sometimes when we had just got salary, we did eat dinner at Block House. They still exist, so we went there for dinner. A steak with baked potato and salad – as usual 😉
Monday July, 20th, the weather were much better. Forecast no rain ! Time for shopping 🙂
A lot of houses has been rebuild. They keep the facade, the rest is new
We ordered a five course menu
Was good and well made
I liked it, but Helle did not like the duck.
Also a nice dish – I love fish
For additional euro 7,- we could get extra summer truffle – which we did ! We could have saved our money, as the summer truffle did not tast from anything at all 🙁
Further more; for the second time in this restaurant, we got raw / undercooked food ! The meatballs were raw inside and we had to let it go back. While waiting for our food to come back we got a Sorbet and a glass of wine for free.
Second time the dish was well cooked. The summer truffles still did not taste of anything. Because it has taken so long time to do the dish once more, the staff started to close down the terrance, while we were still eating the main course. That is NOT okay !!
For dessert we had
I thought the clear strawberry soup was made from infusing strawberries, but it was not the case.
There are room for improvement. I am not sure that I will use my money in this restaurant again. There are so many good restaurants in Hamburg, and our experience 2 out of 3 times we had to send our food back, does not tees for a forth time – sorry, but this is my honest opinion !
It should have been a nice romantic evening, but were spoiled by raw food and staff closing down the terrance.
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